Technology Routes LLC


Open Source Development Services​

Open Source Development Services​

Where to start?
We start by listening.

Asking questions helps us understand your long-term goals. Next, we work with you to develop a plan, devising architecture, selecting technology components, and designing the interface.

Focus on your business. We’ll take care of the rest.

Technology Routes’ve enjoyed a good history of working with many different industries around The Gateway Arch. Our experience as a diverse web development company enables us to create compelling websites featuring engaging experiences, regardless of what business you’re in.

See Our Work.

Custom Software Development Services From Dedicated Developers With Vast Industry-Specific Experience

We perform world-class custom software development services for startups, small-to-midsize (SMB), and enterprise-size businesses. Our highly experienced software developers have a deep understanding of how to leverage top programming languages, frameworks, and other software development tools to create the ideal solution for your business.

We’ve Got Developers With On-Demand Experience

Our designer, programmers, developers, and engineers are highly proficient in all popular programming languages, frameworks, databases, and development tools.

Technologies We Work With!

Programming Languages

We leverage the most popular programming languages to develop a mobile or web application custom tailored for your business. Our expertise are in following:-

  • php, Java, HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery, .Net,  Python, Javascript, and Ruby on Rails

We use high-level frameworks that encourage rapid application development and elegant UX/UI design to create your custom application such as

  • Python, Angular, Django, node.js, Laravel, CodeIgnitor, NodesJS, Flutter, React Native

We leverage well-known relational database management and analytics systems to develop your industry-specific application such as Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, H2O and PostgreSQL.

Programming Tools

We utilize the best programming tools to develop, design, and launch iOS, Android, and Windows applications to best suit your brand such as Xamarin, IntelliJ IDEA, Docker, Android Srudio, Eclips and Vistual Studio.


Technology Routes LLC offers a healthy combination of practices and tools designed to increase your organization’s ability to develop, deliver applications and services faster than traditional software development processes.

We ensure the best practice of “development” and “operations” for a successful implementation of your business solution.

Go ahead and drop us a line, and we’ll get right back to you to discuss the details.