Technology Routes LLC


Custom WordPress Development Services

Custom WordPress Development Services

Our Experience is Your Experience

We encourage our talented engineers and designers to share their experiences and insights with the world. 

We Offer High-Quality Custom WordPress Development Service

Technology Routes’ development experts assess, configure, program, integrate, test, migrate, maintain, and deploy high-quality & professional-grade websites customized to your brand on the WordPress platform.

Our WordPress Projects

WordPress E-Commerce Plugin Solutions

Our custom WordPress plugin developers integrate WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Shopify, and other leading e-commerce plugins for WordPress to offer advanced web hosting, payment gateway integration, and 24/7 customer support for your e-commerce store.

Mobile Application Software Solutions

Our developers, designers, and mobile application engineers leverage mobile-centric WordPress themes, delivering a beautiful website that’s both functional and responsive on all iOS and Android mobile devices of all screen sizes.

Web Content Management Solutions

WCMS platforms incorporate authoring, editing, collaboration, publishing, and archiving features, along with visitor tracking, demographics/targeting, user behavior analysis, conversion tracking, and other KPI features.

WordPress E-Commerce Plugin Solutions

Our custom WordPress plugin developers integrate WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Shopify, and other leading e-commerce plugins for WordPress to offer advanced web hosting, payment gateway integration, and 24/7 customer support for your e-commerce store.

Mobile Application Software Solutions

Our developers, designers, and mobile application engineers leverage mobile-centric WordPress themes, delivering a beautiful website that’s both functional and responsive on all iOS and Android mobile devices of all screen sizes.

Web Content Management Solutions

WCMS platforms incorporate authoring, editing, collaboration, publishing, and archiving features, along with visitor tracking, demographics/targeting, user behavior analysis, conversion tracking, and other KPI features.

Custom WordPress Development Services

Our services include workflow application development, CMS optimizations, and expertise in supporting leading technologies such as Magento, WooCommerce, Shopify, and BigCommerce, along with HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and so much more.

Custom WordPress Plugin Development

Our programmers leverage WordPress’s best plugin coding practices to build reliable and robust WordPress plugins and extensions, designed to improve your custom website’s overall functionality, versatility, and performance.

Custom WordPress Designs & Themes

Our designers create beautiful, engaging, and fully responsive websites by converting PSD files into a WordPress theme, and leveraging WordPress’s diverse range of customizable themes tailored to your unique business brand.

Custom WordPress Integrations & Implementations

Custom mobile apps, plugins, custom extensions, and API integration services extend your WordPress website capabilities, ensuring a seamless data sync, multisite setup & management, and marketing automation.

Custom WordPress Installation & Configuration

We offer seamless CMS installation and configuration of responsive themes, our WordPress development team will design the ideal WordPress website & blog setup, configuring custom themes, web forms, and more.

Custom WordPress CMS Platform Migration Services

We provide smooth & hassle-free migrations from any other CMS, including Sitecore, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, etc. to the WordPress CMS and a new hosting server or domain with a complete backup of your files, content, and database.